A Phoenix Flight

A Phoenix Flight

I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure

-Lucas Graham

Today, as I spread my wings and graduate from AltSchool as a software engineer, I find myself in a state of mixed emotions. The journey to this point has been long and arduous, filled with chaos and unpredictability at every turn. I am undeniably grateful for the blessings bestowed upon me by the Almighty.

As the clock strikes noon, I find myself endlessly scrolling through Twitter, smiling at the testimonies of my fellow graduates. Yes, I hold a diploma in my hands, but what comes next? Everyone tells me to hold my breath and savor the moment, but I can't help but feel a sense of trepidation. My father held his breath once, and we lost the house. So when people say to slow down, it sends shivers down my spine. I am determined to be the sibling whose name rings a bell.

This marks my eighth month in the tech industry, and already I find myself juggling multiple jobs. It is by the grace of God that I have come this far, and I never take it for granted. While I may not have always been the best in grades and classes, I have always been the guy willing to burn the midnight oil, stay hungry for knowledge, and never take no for an answer.

The year I repeated a class, I was the best student in computers. Throughout my secondary days, I never won an award or some sort of recognition in anything, but no one ever took that position from me.

I have seen the highs and low-lows and earned my fair share of burns and trials, but not once have I been the kid to stop trying. Never!

So, again! This is me swearing! that I'm coming for everything they said that small, skinny kid could not be. God be with anyone who stands in the way. Amen!